Owners Documents & Links
Please find important Timeshare information and downloadable documents below

Pay your yearly association dues
Fees are due on or before January 1. They are considered delinquent on February 1 and are subject to a $25 late fee and 1.5% interest per month until paid.
Option 1: Call Osceola Resort Management Company at:
407-396-8800 to pay by debit or credit card
Option 2: Mail all Checks to ORMC, 4646 W. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee, FL 34746
Include: Owner ID indicated on the memo line
Why did RCI/II deny my request to deposit my week?
Your fees have not been paid for the year you are trying to deposit.
You have a signed rental agreement with the resort.
You do not own the unit/week you are trying to deposit.
Can I do an internal exchange through the resort?
No, all exchanges must go through an exchange company.
When are maintenance fees due?
Fees are due on or before January 1. They are considered delinquent on February 1 and are subject to a $25 late fee and 1.5% interest per month until paid.
How do I contact RCI or II?
To become a member, deposit your week, or request an exchange, you must contact the company directly.
RCI - 1-800-338-7777 or visit www.rci.com
II - 1-800-828-8200 or visit www.intervalworld.com
Can I occupy my unit if there is a balance on my account?
No, any unpaid assessments must be paid in order to check in.
Can I send a guest to occupy my unit?
With all fees paid, you may send a guest provided you contact the resort in writing, in advance, stating who will be checking in. This information may be faxed, mailed, or emailed. Find the Form HERE
Timeshare Owners FAQ
At Lighthouse Cove, we understand lifestyle preferences and financial circumstances change, which result in owners looking to exit their timeshare experience through a deed back or sale of the unit. Osceola Resort Management Company should be your one and only source of guidance and solutions regarding your ownership. Third-party resale or exit companies are best to avoid, especially if approached unsolicited. Osceola Resort Management Company is here to guide you through your options, with no upfront cost. Third-party companies and exit firms routinely require upfront fees and are often scams that not only cost you thousands of dollars but unfortunately leaves you without a resolution.

Did you enjoy your stay?
Lighthouse Cove Resort consists of fixed week, deeded timeshares. This is a great way to have a wonderful Florida vacation every year at an affordable price! Annual maintenance fees are generally much lower than what you would pay for a hotel or rental property. Owner resales for Lighthouse Cove units are handled by Lighthouse Cove Resales.